I started running almost 12 years ago. One of my roommates at the time was a big runner, so she inspired me to try it. I started out by just walking a mile away from our house, turning around, and jogging back; gradually increasing the distance little by little as I got used to it. I still remember experiencing my first runner's high... as well as the first time I found out what shin splints felt like! It didn't take long for me to become hooked though.
I grew up in the Boston area so it means a lot to me to be running in the Boston Marathon. I lived on the marathon route in college and know how exciting and motivating the “Marathon Monday” atmosphere is. I'm generally a three to five mile runner so I'm still in slight disbelief that I'm training for this! I've also dealt with a serious lung condition since I was little and had to undergo a pulmonary lobectomy four and a half years ago. Many people run to lose or maintain their weight but I literally run for the health of my lungs. Training for (and completing) a marathon is a chance to prove to myself how far I've come since my surgery.
This will be my first marathon and I hope to get through it injury free. My plan includes running three days a week (two shorter tempo runs and one long run on Saturdays), strength training two days a week, and foam rolling/stretching daily. Weather permitting, I'd like to do all of my runs outside instead of on a treadmill and I'm trying to be diligent with my rest, recovery and nutrition. Aside from my Friday nights being a little more low-key these days :) marathon training hasn't affected my daily life too much. However, training definitely forces me to prioritize my day differently. I can think of other things I'd rather be doing than running into a headwind on a 20 degree day with snow coming at me sideways but my training runs come first and I schedule them in as I do with any other appointment during the day.
My main concern is that I got a late start with training, which won't allow me to get in as many longer runs as I'd like, so I worry that may hurt me. I want to be smart about my training though so I'm not willing to take huge jumps in weekly mileage just to fit in more 18+ mile runs. I'm also a little apprehensive about experimenting with food during my runs. Before training began, I typically ran first thing in the morning so I'm not used to having food/water in my belly. I have to start getting my body used to it though!
I never thought I'd be excited to run 26.2 miles, but I am! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be running in this marathon and very much look forward to April 19th.
Maureen - this is inspiring - good for you!
go mo! i can't wait for this marathon. much props to you.. i could never do this. we'll be in ashland cheering you on!
So proud of you, Maureen! Rooting for you all the way
I'll be waiting at the finish line with BLANKETS!!
I'll be waiting at the finish line with BLANKETS!!
You rock! I am so proud of you :)
go for it Maureen...proud of you
go for it maureen...proud of you!!
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