The past two weeks since the 20 miler I've been busy with things not related to running. My best friend in the world decided to get married right in the middle of my marathon training. It was actually timed perfectly being the weekend after my 20 miler. I needed to recover a bit and I was too busy with my maid of honor duties to go for a long run that weekend. I got a pedicure and had to plead with the lady not to buff the bottoms of my feet off. She didn't seem to understand my wanting to keep my dead skin and calluses in place. I've been blister free so far with my hardened feet. Maybe I'll get them all buffed post marathon. The wedding was beautiful. It was sunny, over 50 degrees, actually it would have been a great day for a run! I'm really not complaining, I had a great day of not running. All this training may have helped me to catch the bouquet. Yes I caught the bouquet and you know what that means... it means I have a bouquet.
Since the wedding I've been back at it. I haven't experienced any runner's highs lately. Some days I've had to push myself against every last fiber of my being to run. I really hope spring comes soon and that I can get out of this slump. I keep hitting the Wellesley Hills in hopes that come marathon day, I won't drop dead right there on Comm. Ave. I envision myself walking parts of this section. I'd love to say I can run the whole thing without walking at all but I haven't been able to do it yet and I've been starting from the Hospital, not from Hopkinton. On Saturday I get to run the first 21 miles of the route with a group, water stations and bus ride back to Hopkinton. I owe a big thank you to fellow teammate Pam for reaching out and helping me get into this run. That's the big challenge between now and April 15. I'll find out how the hills feel after 16+ miles. After that, it's time to taper and hope that I've done enough to prepare.
I wonder if it will be snowing on April 15? I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
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