Thursday, February 11, 2016

The More You Sweat - Drew

So far, so good and I think I’m on track. Starting somewhere around New Year’s I started completing a weekend long run that began with 10 miles and increased by two-mile increments weekly. I’ve done this in the past with good results, and I’m happy to say that I recently completed my 16-mile run that was a bit faster than my comparable outing for my most recent marathon. I used this past weekend, during which I was busy with a drill weekend for the Massachusetts National Guard, as a light weekend with a scaled down 10-mile run (which I did on the treadmill in my basement during yesterday’s snow storm while watching Spotlight on my iPad.) My weekends are getting heavy with other activities, such as skiing at Killington this weekend, so it’s going to take some inventiveness to complete this week’s planned 18-mile run. My tentative plan is to run 18 miles along the Charles on President’s Day, though I’m nervous that I’ll be a bit jelly-legged after 4 days of skiing. I absolutely love running along the Charles for the views and commiserating in shared misery with fellow runners, though I always feel somewhat guilty as it is flatter than Nebraska and I don’t want to depend too heavily on flat land running before a marathon with such a reputation for hills. I’ve always subscribed to the old adage that “the more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in war” and as such it’s important to consume a robust diet of hills leading up to April.

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