Monday, March 16, 2009

Checking Off the Boxes – Sue

I was away last weekend, when the weather was mild, so I missed getting in a long run on Sunday. But, I thought I could get it in on Monday, but the change in the weather made it impossible. I went for four miles in the snow, and my feet were soaked! I pushed my long run to last Thursday, which was much nicer. I ran 12 miles with friends, past the Hospital, down Beacon to the reservoir and back down Comm. Ave. That just left another eight on my own, which wasn't too bad. Again, it is good to be able to check that box off.

I did go to see Carl Faust in Physical Therapy at the Hospital, who has given me great advice about my training, as well as recommending I get a “knot” in my hamstring worked out over the next few weeks. If I weren't part of this team, and knowing I have these resources available, I am sure I never would've had this issue dealt with. I would have continued on, which I am sure would have affected my training. I am not expecting it to be 100 percent, but I'm sure it will be improved.

On another note, my parents made hotel reservations to come and see me run the Marathon, so now the pressure is on!


Anonymous said...

Sue is doing very well with her training. She is benefitting from taking a page out of Cody's plan... and following a 'less is more' approach. At this point she has gotten a 20 mile run under her belt with good tolerance. Given her goal to complete the event and enjoy it (rather than be underprepared and suffer, or overprepared / injured and suffer.), she only needs to maintain the base she has by gettting one more 12-16 mile run in and beginning to taper. She is there so to speak, so pushing to get another 20miler in would be risky without much benefit to justify it. Right Susan?!? ;-) Carl

Anonymous said...

Right Carl - who am I to argue with the expert?! And, when that expert it telling me the 19 and 20 miler I've put behind me are enough for my training, I'm not going to push it! I am planning to get out tomorrow for 7 or 8, then do the 16 on Monday.
I can't believe we are close to 4 weeks away. Now I have to work on the mental piece of completing the marathon - and picturing the finish line - with me crossing it!!