Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Greater Purpose – Laura

I meet with Dan Destin, Shipley Center Manager. He is so knowledgeable and supportive! He remembers everyone who ran last year and their approach and ability level. He is a basketball player. He emphasizes the importance of cross training as opposed to over training, which is a mistake he has seen in the past.

I’m worried about finding sponsors. I have recently asked all of my friends and family for donations to raise money for an event to support finding a cure for cancer. I don’t feel like I can ask them again so soon. To my great surprise, in less than a week I have commitments from five sponsors. The linking of a charitable pursuit with physical endurance transforms this experience from simple self indulgence to adding greater harmony to the universe.

The message I receive is: there really is such thing as too much of a good thing. Balance in all things is essential for the best outcome. And that the charity of others has no boundaries.

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