Thursday, February 7, 2013

Summing Up My Week – Kellie

This past week was a bit of a recovery week coming off the 16 miler. I did hit the gym two days after but went right to the elliptical. No injuries here but I had to listen to my body and my body wanted to hold back on running just a bit. My legs told me that if I didn't take it easy on them for a few days they would go on strike. They let me take them for a four-mile run after work Thursday night. It was a treat! Or maybe a nice retreat from the dreadmill. I am getting use to nighttime running. It's peaceful and with my headphones on I don't even hear that scary serial killer background music. I do have an irrational fear of being murdered by a serial killer but if I want the Boston Marathon I'm just going to have to risk it. I think I actually frighten other people out at night with my heavy breathing.

Over the weekend I was on-call with work and went on a 6-8 mile run around the Hospital. I couldn't go much further since if I had gotten called in, I would have needed a taxi to get back. My legs were still on “take it easy mode” and they didn't want to go any further but they did promise me they would go further next weekend.

This week I've added stair climbing to my lunch break. I only need to sacrifice about 10 minutes of my lunch to get that good muscle burn. On occasion I've been successful in recruiting coworkers to join me in the stairwell.

To sum up this past week, I'm listening to my body, overcoming my fear of serial killers and finding a balance between running and strength training to avoid injury.

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